Piano Day
Do., 28. März
“Why does the world need a Piano Day? For many reasons. But mostly, because it doesn’t hurt to celebrate the piano and everything around it: performers, composers, piano builders, tuners, movers and most important, the listener.” Nils Frahm

Zeit & Ort
28. März 2024, 20:00 – 23:00
Berlin, Schönhauser Allee 123, 10437 Berlin, Deutschland
Über die Veranstaltung
Einlass: 19 Uhr
Beginn: 20 Uhr
“Why does the world need a Piano Day? For many reasons. But mostly, because it doesn’t hurt to celebrate the piano and everything around it: performers, composers, piano builders, tuners, movers and most important, the listener.” Nils Frahm
Der jährliche Piano Day, eine weltweite Veranstaltung, die von einer Gruppe Gleichgesinnter ins Leben gerufen wurde, findet am 88. Tag des Jahres statt, aufgrund der Anzahl der Tasten auf der Klaviatur.
Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, eine Plattform für Klavier-Projekte aller Art zu schaffen, musikalische Innovation zu fördern und die jahrhundertealte Freude am Klavierspiel weiterzugeben. Der Piano Day lädt Klavierbegeisterte aller Genres zum Zuhören und Mitmachen ein.
Lars Jakob Rudjord
Norwegian pianist and composer Lars Jakob Rudjord creates music that takes you to places you’ve never been before. His melodic, meditative, personal, comforting and often nature-inspired songs that have touched listeners all over the world. He has released four critically acclaimed albums as a solo artist, and collaborated with artists like Karl Seglem, Moddi, Frida Ånnevik and Ingvild Koksvik.
In April 2024 he releases his new album Kjempe-Jo, inspired by Norwegian folk music and the stories about his great-great-grandfather, the legendary giant, dancer and brawler “Kjempe-Jo” [Giant Joe] who lived in a remote Norwegian valley in the 1800s. Recent single reviews states that "[Rolig Folk] has a slightly mysterious air about it, more suited perhaps to the northern fjords and the Lofoten islands than the south, and with a hint of Gaelic creeping in as well." – Nordic Music Central (UK) and “[Margit] surrounds us with its tenderness and beauty, as if endless heavenly gardens bloomed in front of us.” – Nagamag (GR). Previous reviews include: “…gloriously cinematic but electronically enhanced piano compositions, with a visual flourish” (Under The Radar Mag, UK), “…a soundtrack composer in a modern classicalist’s skin. You’ll be pressing start all over again” (Drifting, Almost Falling, US), “I love when a song can pull you in like this. It makes me want to read and dream and even write a little.” (Ear To The Ground Music, US).
Website: www.larsjakobrudjord.com Facebook page: www.facebook.com/larsjakobmusic
Instagram: www.instagram.com/larsjakobrudjord
Shasta Ellenbogen
is a composer, arranger, musician, and producer.she grew up in the world of classical music, playing the piano as a child and later going to prestigious conservatories in amsterdam and london to study the viola.as a violist shasta has recorded for/toured with many artists in the neoclassical scene such as: olafur arnalds, johann johannson, dustin o'halloran, max richter, roger eno, eydis evensen, gyda valdysdottir, sam slater, erland cooper, and more.in 2017 she started "classical sundays", an acclaimed concert series where classical musicians sightread chamber music, performing in bars, clubs, galleries, playgrounds, and private homes all over berlin.in 2022 she started composing full-time, independently releasing her first EP in 2023. shasta's music is a unique glimpse into spirituality through her music based on tarot card imagery, and her touching, distinctive string arrangements are her signature.
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